Date | Session |
August 29,2024 | Lecture Added: Surgical Approach to Avascular Pelvic Spaces |
August 29,2024 | Lecture Changed: Intrapartum CTG clinical approach |
August 28,2024 | Lecture added: Ureteric dissection and pelvic spaces |
August 15,2024 | Lecture added: Real case of Eclampsia, Shoulder Dystocia, Abruption and DIC |
August 13,2024 | Lecture Updated: Hypertensive Disorders Management is now 3 parts |
August 03,2024 | Lecture Added: Real Case of Hypertensive disorder in Pregnancy |
July 31,2024 | Lecture updated with new format and new video Breech Part 2 |
July 17,2024 | Lecture Added: Real Case of Massive PPH |
July 17,2024 | Lecture Added: Real Case of Placental Abruption |
June 27,2024 | Lecture update: Ectopic Pregnancy now 3 parts |